Inspiration for the Bread + Butter Candle 🍞 🧈

Inspiration for the Bread + Butter Candle 🍞 🧈

Raise your *virtual* hand if you were one of the many who started making bread over these past couple of years! I definitely was and it has been something that I have kept doing ever since! It has been a source of peacefulness amidst all the craziness on the farm, business and life in general 😌 

 Baking sourdough bread is actually a multi-step process taking over several days. But when that bread comes out of the oven after all those days of prepping…. oh boy does it make it that much more special. And the smell that ruminates out of the oven and throughout my entire home. Oh. My. Goodness. YUM.  

There’s also something so peaceful about cutting into a freshly baked – home cooked – warm loaf of bread.  And let’s not forget all the days after when you get to pop a slice of bread in the toaster and smear a warm pat of butter on the warm toast! Is your mouth watering yet?? 😋 

The aroma that fills my house and the moments of eating a fresh and toasty slice of bread with warm butter smeared all over…. Just had to be encapsulated and put into a candle. 

bread and butter candle

So the Bread + Butter candle is inspired from those moments. And while life can get crazy and it’s not always realistic to bake a loaf of sourdough bread…I hope this candle can help bring a sense of comfort to your home as it has to mine🍞🧈🏡


Shop the Bread + Butter Candle now while it is still in stock!